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Chen Lin

Date of Birth:1982.10

Professor, Nanjing Forestry University.

Research interests:

Teaching and scientific research in the fields of seed plant classification and flora, plant germplasm resources protection and utilization.The research and technology development on genetic diversity and resource conservation and utilization of Osmanthus fragrans will be emphasized.

Other achievements:

Hosted and participated in a number of projects, including 1 national level, 1 provincial level, 1 departmental level, 3 national level and 2 provincial level. Published 7 scientific research papers as the first author (2 were included in SCI journals), and 3 monobooks as the associate editor.


2006 Northwest A&F University, Bachelor

2011 South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Doctor

Work experience:

2011-present:Nanjing Forestry University