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Xiang Qibai

Date of Birth:1935.10

Professor,Nanjing Forestry University.

Other titles:

Director of Osmanthus fragrans Research Center, Nanjing forestry university;

Vice president of Osmanthus fragrans branch of China flower association;

Member, Committee on Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants, International Union of Biological Sciences;

Deputy Director of Plant Nomenclature and Registration Committee of Chinese Society of Horticulture;

Vice President of Botany Society of Jiangsu Province.

Research interests:

Plant taxonomy, garden botany, plant palynology.


"Species Atlas of Chinese Osmanthus fragrans ", "Afforestation Technology of Main Tree Species in China", "Chinese Tree Annals", "Chinese Flower Sutra", "Dendrology", "Indoor Leaf Observation Plants"

Awards and Honors:

International registered authority of the Osmanthus;

First prize of science and technology achievement of forestry ministry.


1958 Huazhong Agricultural College and Department of Forestry,Bachelor

1964 Nanjing Forestry College,Master

1980-1981 Studied in French class of International Students Department, Shanghai University of Foreign Languages.

1981-1983 Visiting scholar, Institute of Botany, Natural Museum, Paris, French Academy of Sciences.

Work experience:

1958-1961 Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of Physiology and Biochemistry Teaching and Research Group, Department of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University.

1983-1989 Director, Professor, Dendrology Section, Department of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University.

1990-1994 Professor and doctoral supervisor, College of Forest Resources and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University







Wang Xianrong

Date of Birth:1966.8

Professor,Nanjing Forestry University

Other titles:

Deputy Director, International Registration Center for OsmanthusVarieties;

Director of Cerasus Research Institute, Nanjing Forestry University;

Head of the tree herbarium;

Executive vice - director and secretary - general of dendrology branch of Chinese forestry society;

Vice president of ancient and famous trees branch of Chinese forestry society;

Director of Jiangsu Botanical Society;

Vice president of Osmanthus frangrans branch of China flower association.

Research interests:

Teaching and scientific research in the field of botany, mainly in the taxonomy, genetic diversity, conservation and utilization of plants of Cerasus (Rosaceae) and Osmanthus(Oleaceae).


Chinese Cerasus Varieties


1988 Hubei University, Bachelor

1991 East China Normal University,Master

1998 Nanjing Forestry University,Doctor

Work experience:

1991-present:Nanjing Forestry University


段一凡,男,19844月出生,现任南京林业大学生物与环境学院副教授、副院长。主要从事植物学相关领域的教学和科研工作,主要是木犀科木犀属植物分类与演化、植物遗传变异与分子亲缘地理、植物种质资源开发与利用。曾主持和参加的科研项目有:中国博士后科学基金项目“桂花遗传变异和亲缘地理学研究”;江苏省自然科学青年基金项目“雄全异株植物桂花的表型变异和分子亲缘地理学研究”;江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目“中国特有香花植物野桂花(Osmanthus yunnanensis的交配系统研究”;南京林业大学青年创新基金项目“基于形态和分子证据的旧世界肋毛蕨属Ctenitis的分类学研究”;江苏省林业三新工程项目“珍贵树种齿叶木犀的繁育与示范推广”。





Duan Yifan

Date of Birth:1984.04

Associate professor and vice president of College of Biology and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University.

Other achievements:

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project: Genetic Variation and Relation Geography of Osmanthus osmanthus;

Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province:Phenotypic variation and molecular phylogeography of male holovarieties of Osmanthus fragrans;

Natural Science Research Project of Jiangsu Universities:Research on the mating system of Osmanthus yunnanensis, an endemic aromatic plant in China;

Nanjing Forestry University Youth Innovation Fund Project:A taxonomic study of the genus Ctenitis in the Old World based on morphological and molecular evidence; 

Jiangsu Provincial Three New Forestry Projects:Breeding, Demonstration and Promotion of the Preprecious Tree Species Acarus odontoides.


2007 Southwest Forestry University,Bachelor

2014 Nanjing Forestry University,Doctor

Work experience:

2014-2015:Visiting Scholar, Plant Science Research Center, Missouri Botanical Garden, USA

2017-present:Associate Professor, College of Biology and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University



2004-2008 南京农业大学,学士(国家生命科学与人才培养基地)

2009-2013 香港大学,博士(生物系)

2013-2017 香港大学,博士后

2017.11-至今 南京林业大学,教授,博导

Zhu Fuyuan

Professor and doctoral supervisor of Department of Plant Science, College of Biology and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University.

Research interests:

Plant functional proteomics and the mechanism of variable shearing regulation.

Other achievements:

National Natural Science Foundation of China - Youth Project "Study on the Mechanism of Rice OSCBL10 Participating in Seed Germination under Flooding Stress".


2004-2008 Nanjing Agricultural University, Bachelor (National Base for Life Science and Talent Training)

2009-2013 University of Hong Kong, Doctor (Department of Biology)

2013-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Hong Kong

Work experience:

2017.11-present Nanjing Forestry University, professor, doctoral supervisor


张敏,男,现南京林业大学生物与环境学院在读博士后。主要研究领域是植物分类与演化、植物遗传变异与分子亲缘地理。曾参加国家自然科学基金委员会项目“山茶属植物45S rRNA假基因的结构、功能与进化研究”。

2007-2011 西北农林科技大学,林学,学士

2014-2018 复旦大学,植物学,博士

2011-2014 西北农林科技大学,生态学,硕士

2019至今 南京林业大学,植物科学系,博士后

Zhang Min

Postdoctoral ,College of Biology and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University.

Research interests:

Plant taxonomy and evolution, plant genetic variation and molecular phylogeography.

Other achievements:

Participated in the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China "Structure, Function and Evolution of 45S rRNA Pseudogene in Camellia".


2007-2011 Northwest A&F University, Bachelor of Forestry

2014-2018 Fudan University, Botany, Doctor

2011-2014 Northwest A&F University, Ecology, Master

2019-Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Plant Science, Nanjing Forestry University


王良桂,男,196210出生,南京林业大学教授。担任国务院学位委员会第七届学科评议组成员、国家湿地科学技术专家委员会委员、中国风景园林学会理事、中国林学会森林公园分会常务理事、江苏省土木工程学会风景园林专业委员会副主任委员、江苏省林业科技委员会委员、江苏省林学会理事、植物造景专业委员会主任、江苏省花木协会理事、江苏省园艺标准化委员会副主任委员、江苏水利风景区评审专家、南京林学会常务理事。多次主持国家及省部级项目、企业委托项目,近年来先后在Genes Genom 、《中国园林》、《南京林业大学学报》、《东北林业大学学报》等刊物中发表论文40余篇,参与获得国家教学成果二等奖一项、江苏省特等奖一项,申请专利等6项,主编教材一部,参编教材一部,著作一部。







Wang Lianggui

Date of Birth: 1962.10

Professor, Nanjing Forestry University.

Other titles:

Member, National Wetland Science and Technology Expert Committee;

Director of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture;

Standing director of Forest Park Branch of Chinese Society of Forestry;

Member of Jiangsu Forestry Science and Technology Commission;

Director of Jiangsu Forestry Society;

Director of Plant Landscape Professional Committee;

Council member of Jiangsu Flora Association.

Awards and Honors:

Second prize of national teaching achievement and a special prize of Jiangsu Province;Applied for 6 patents.


1985 Nanjing Forestry University, Bachelor

1989 Nanjing University,the second bachelor's degree

2009 Doctor

Work experience:

2006: Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Landscape Architecture, Nanjing Forestry University

2018: Secretary of Party Committee of College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University.



Yang Xiulian

Professor, Nanjing Forestry University.

Research interests:

Teaching and research of garden plant cultivation and application.

Other achievements:

Charge of Nanjing forestry university, the innovation fund project "Osmanthus fragrans seed dormancy mechanism and break dormancy";

Participate in the complete varieties of Osmanthus international login authority application;

Three agriculture project in jiangsu province"Phoebe chekiangensis and Altingia gracilipes introduction";

The state forestry administration slurry sampling "Osmanthus fragrans seedling technique regulations" .

Awards and Honors:

The second prize of Jiangsu Provincial Higher Vocational Flowers and Floriculture Quality Course;

The second prize of Jiangsu Provincial Garden Nursery Courseware.



Zang Dekui

Date of Birth:1966.11,

Professor,Shandong Agricultural University.

Other titles:

International Osmanthus fragrans (Osmanthus) plant varieties login center,;

Deputy director of China forestry association tree branch;

Standing director of Osmanthus fragrans branch of Chinese floral society;

Member of Specialized Committee of Scenic Spot of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture;

Director of Shandong Forestry Society;

Member of shandong forest varieties examination and approval committee.


Lanscape Dendrology.

Other achievements:

Outstanding instructor of graduation thesis of Shandong Province, Outstanding instructor of Shandong Challenge Cup College Student Competition, Director of Outstanding Undergraduate Program of Shandong Agricultural University.






Chen Xin

Date of Birth: 1968.01

Professor,Nanjing Forestry University.

Research interests:

Teaching and scientific research of ornamental dendrology, focusing on the research of plant classification, plant resource introduction and development and plant landscaping.

Other achievements:

Participated in and presided over research projects such as collection, breeding and demonstration of the germplasm resources of Sorbus.Classification and Systematics of the Straight-vein Group of Sorbus;Studies on genetic diversity of Sorbus alnifolia and its varieties;A taxonomic study on the family Acanthaceae.


1990 Nanjing Forestry University, Bachelor

2001 Nanjing Forestry University,Doctor

Work experience:

2001:Nanjing Forestry University







Chen Lin

Date of Birth:1982.10

Professor, Nanjing Forestry University.

Research interests:

Teaching and scientific research in the fields of seed plant classification and flora, plant germplasm resources protection and utilization.The research and technology development on genetic diversity and resource conservation and utilization of Osmanthus fragrans will be emphasized.

Other achievements:

Hosted and participated in a number of projects, including 1 national level, 1 provincial level, 1 departmental level, 3 national level and 2 provincial level. Published 7 scientific research papers as the first author (2 were included in SCI journals), and 3 monobooks as the associate editor.


2006 Northwest A&F University, Bachelor

2011 South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Doctor

Work experience:

2011-present:Nanjing Forestry University










Zhao Hongbo

Professor, Zhejiang A&F University,

Other titles:

Deputy secretary general of the breeding cooperation group of new flower varieties of zhejiang province;

Deputy secretary general of the branch of greening seedlings of zhejiang flower association;

Deputy secretary general of the professional committee of forestry seedlings and flowers of zhejiang forestry association;

Member of the youth work committee of zhejiang botany association.

Research interests:

genetic breeding of ornamental plants, reproductive ecology of important plant groups, plant application design and benefit evaluation of artificial communities.

Other achievements:

Presided over more than 30 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Zhejiang Provincial Major Science and Technology Special Project, Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology Plan, etc;

5 National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Awards and Honors:

Hosted 1 provincial and ministerial level second prize and participated in 3 provincial and ministerial level awards.


2001Nanjing Agricultural University, Bachelor;

2007 Nanjing Agricultural University,Doctor .

Work experience:

2001-2002: Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiangsu Province, China;

2007-2009: Lecturer, Zhejiang A&F University;

2009-2015: Associate Professor, Zhejiang A&F University;

2014-2015:Professor of Evolution and Ecology, Department of Biology, University of Pittsburgh,

2015-present: Zhejiang A&F University, Professor.




Hu Shaoqing

Date of Birth:1960.06

Professor,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University.

Research interests:

Teaching and research of plant resources and garden plant breeding.

Other achievements:

Presided over more than 50 scientific research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation and the Provincial Natural Science Foundation;

Published more than 50 academic papers;

Compiled and published 9 monographs;

3 authorized invention patents;

10 new plant varieties were authorized;

12 new varieties of internationally registered plants

50 new varieties of ornamental plants have been bred

Awards and Honors:

9 science and technology awards above the municipal (bureau) level;

Won the second prize of science and technology in Zhejiang Province;

The first, second and third prizes of science and technology progress in Hangzhou were awarded;

1 first prize of science and technology of Zhejiang Forestry Department.


王彩云,女,19628月出生,华中农业大学园艺林学学院教授。担任中国花卉协会花文化专业委员会副会长,中国插花艺术协会副秘书长,湖北省花协花卉分会副会长,中国花卉协会桂花分会常务理事/木犀属(桂花)国际品种登录中心委员。主持国家自然科学基金项目、教育部博士点基金项目、“十二五”国家科技支撑计划、中荷、中美国际合作项目、湖北省和武汉市自然科学基金、攻关项目等30多项。 从事菊花、桂花等品质生理与分子生物学研究。针对我国桂花花色和花香以及菊花抗虫等方面存在的问题,结合除虫菊的抗虫特性开展代谢组学和基因组学研究。同时,从事包括花卉园林应用和插花艺术在内的花卉应用技艺、园艺疗法等相关研究。





Wang Caiyun

Date of Birth:1962.8

Professor,Huazhong Agricultural University.

Other titles:

Vice chairman of the flower culture professional committee of China flower association;

Vice secretary general of the Chinese flower arrangement art association;

Vice chairman of the flower branch of Hubei province flower association;

Executive director of the Osmanthus fragrans branch of China flower association/the member of the international variety registration center of Osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans ).

Other achievements:

Presided over more than 30 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Doctoral Program Fund of the Ministry of Education, the "12th Five-Year" National Science and Technology Support Plan, the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province and Wuhan City.

Research interests:

Research on quality physiology and molecular biology of Chrysanthemum × morifolium and  Osmanthus fragrans.The application of flowers and gardens and flower arrangement art, including flower application techniques, horticultural therapy.


1983 Huazhong Agricultural University ,Bachelor

1990 Beijing Forestry University,Master

2005 Beijing Forestry University,Doctor




Han Yuanji

Date of Birth:1982.8

Doctor,Henan University.

Research interests:

Research contents mainly aromatic Osmanthus fragrance production and metabolic mechanism, using the transcriptome sequencing technology and the biochemistry and molecular biology methods aromatic material synthesis and metabolic pathways of related gene function and its mechanism of action, to clarify molecular mechanism of aromatic material synthesis and metabolism, for sweet Osmanthus fragrance material provide theoretical basis for the use and development.

Other achievements:

He has presided over and participated in 3 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China and published more than 10 papers.



Hao Liming

Date of Birth:1959.05

Professor,Nanjing Agricultural University.

Research interests:

Research of garden plants and ornamental horticulture, research direction is garden plant classification and ecology.


 Landscape Dendrology,China Agricultural Publishing House.




1999年 毕业于南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院;

2004年 毕业于南京林业大学植物学专业,获理学博士学位。

2004-2006年 在南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院工作,任讲师。

2006年至今 在江西农业大学园林与艺术学院工作,2008年聘为副教授。

Ji Chunfeng

Professor,Jiangxi Agricultural University.

Other titles:

Member of the International Registration Committee of Osmanthus Species;

Director of the Osmanthus fragrans Branch of China Flower Association;

Director of the Botany Society of Jiangxi Province;

Member of the ornamental plant professional evaluation group of the Forestry Variety Approval Committee of Jiangxi Province;

Member of the first Forestry Science Commission of Jiangxi Province.

Research interests:

Plant taxonomy and plant resources.


 "Tree Atlas of Campus of Jiangxi Agricultural University", "Manual of Garden Trees of Nanchang City", "Camellia Famous Products Atlas", "Vascular Plant Catalogue of Campus of Jiangxi Agricultural University".


1999 Nanjing Forestry University,Bachelor

2004 Nanjing Forestry University, Doctor.

Work experience:

2004-2006:College of Forest Resources and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University,lecturer.

2006:College of Landscape Architecture and Art, Jiangxi Agricultural University.


尚富德,男,河南农业大学教授。中国花卉协会桂花分会副会长、河南省植物学会副理事长。现任河南农业大学党委委员、副校长。先后被评为河南省十佳师德标兵、全国师德标兵和全国模范教师等荣誉称号,并先后获得河南省五一劳动奖章和全国五一劳动奖章。主持国家自然科学基金4项。在Frontiers in Plant Science,Plant Molecular Biology,Tree Genetics&Genomes等刊物上发表文章60余篇。

1985年 毕业于河南师范大学生物系,获得学士学位

1987年 毕业于南京农业大学农学系,获得硕士学位

2004年 毕业于南京林业大学获得植物学专业,获得博士学位。


Shang Fude

Professor,Henan Agricultural University.

Other titles:

Vice President of Osmanthus fragrans Branch of China Flower Association;

Vice President of Henan Botany Society;

Member of the Party Committee and vice president of Henan Agricultural University.

Awards and Honors:

Top Ten Model Teacher of Henan Province;

National Model Teacher of Ethics;

National Model Teacher;

May 1st Labor Medal of Henan Province.

Other achievements:

Presided over 4 National Natural Science Foundation projects;

Published more than 60 articles in journals such as Frontiers in Plant Science,Plant Molecular Biology,Tree Genetics&Genomes.


1985 Henan Normal University,Bachelor

1987 Nanjing Agricultural University, Master

2004 Nanjing Forestry University,Doctor

Work experience:

1987:Henan University, the Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of the College of Life Sciences